Painting Furniture (DIY project lifesaver, one tiny little roller)





All these projects I painted myself using this amazing tiny little roller. Seriously the best little painting buddy when doing a DIY painting project. After you use this little roller you’ll never go back to using anything else. I started painting my piano with a brush and has so much trouble, in my efforts to look for something that would give me a better finish I stumbled across this little roller and have used it for every project since. I am just finishing up my kitchen table refinish project and i’ll post a picture of that when I am done.

DIY roller

Here’s a step by step of what I do for prepping and painting a DIY furniture paint project.

  1. If the surface needs roughing up I use Liquid sandpaper to do the job (so much easier than sanding, here is a link but you can buy it at any home improvement store).
  2. I paint the whole thing with my tiny roller (picture shown above, I got mine at home depot here is a similar one on Amazon but I can’t see it super close up so I don’t know if they are exactly the same, they are the same size and look very similar, but I know you can find the one in the picture, that I used, at Home Depot).
  3. As I am painting if I cant reach a corner or tight spot with the roller (I seriously can paint 97% of everything I paint with the roller) I use a foam brush like this.
  4. If needed I add a second coat… and I am finished. The best and easiest way to paint a DIY project.