Deb’s Fresh Mozzarella Avocado Salad (a summer favorite)

SONY DSCLooks can be deceiving, the picture may not look amazing but the salad tastes AMAZING. I Pretty much made up this salad recipe last summer when I was eating super clean and wanted something healthy and delicious. My sister in law suggested adding cucumbers and that is a delicious addition. The salad requires no cooking so I love that you don’t have to turn the oven or the stove on, on those hot summer days when extra heat is not wanted. This salad is delicious, healthy and refreshing. I hope you like it as much as we do. Enjoy!

Fresh Mozzarella Avocado Salad (a summer favorite)


  • 2 avocados cut into cubes
  • 1/2 pound of fresh mozzarella cut into cubes or fresh mozzarella balls (both of these can be bought at Costco in the specialty cheese section there is a difference between fresh mozzarella and regular mozzarella go for the fresh in this salad)
  • 1 cup mini cucumbers cut into slices or dice up a regular cucumber into bite sized pieces
  • 1 cup of grape tomatoes, or the medley tomatoes (Costco sells these as well in the summer time they are small tomatoes all different colors)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar (from Costco, Kirkland brand is by far my favorite, I included a picture at the bottom of the post)
  • 1 tablespoon of avocado oil (or you can use olive oil, I also included a picture of the kind I like)
  • a dash of sea salt
  • a dash of pepper
  • *This recipe doesn't make a whole lot but you want to eat this salad fresh so you only want to make as much as you'll eat or have a small amount of left overs. It will stay good in the fridge for about a day is all.


  • Mix all ingredients together and enjoy!
  • This salad is a very clean, healthy, delicious addition to any meal or can be a meal itself. One of my all time favorite salads especially during the summer.

SONY DSC  Here is a picture of the fresh Mozzarella, if you’ve never used it before and you are like me it’s nice to have a visual. (I bought this at Costco but I am sure they have it at other places)

SONY DSC  If you have never used avocado oil before try it, healthy and delicious I use it in lots of recipes. (I also got this at Costco)

SONY DSC  I was never a huge balsamic vinegar fan before I came across this kind at Costco and now I LOVE it, I may just do a post of this vinegar itself because it’s earned it in my book. I love this stuff. I use it as straight salad dressing a lot and I love it and it’s delicious, clean and about as healthy as you’ll get for a salad dressing.